The Incredible Mangoes

escapades of the queer birdie & doggie

6:57 AM

invisible like devotion

Posted by spectrum |

Oh me, oh my. My love has left me a
mad woman. Seeing intense mirage
and dreaming frequently, unrestfully.

What happened to yours. Slippery like
a small silver fish. It escaped me.
It escaped me.

Though these legs are steady, the soul
spirals upwards this time.. with a lazy
cloudlike ebb and flow.
Light rejoices,
welcoming in an old friend. We are
such a melancholic beauty as One.

Stop already, wring out this heavy
expanded chest. Wash any further and
the color will start to fade.

In this unseen silent tug of war, a
strong hand just joined our side.

In this solidness of purity and
honesty, whatever you desire shall
materialize before your eyes.



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