The Incredible Mangoes

escapades of the queer birdie & doggie

3:19 AM

out of the blue

Posted by spectrum |

october 16, 2010

we talked about detachment. how it can be so easy and so difficult, based on the situation.

but there never really is a point when we are fully disconnected from another. there is always some curiosity remaining. i can run around looking here and there with my ears covered and a filter on my brain, but it's common sense that that is not the solution.

lets be logical.. and practical.. and rational. lets think about things and analyze them and drive ourselves crazy. wonder 'what if..' this and that. i refuse to pay attention because of all the baggage attention brings with it.

i said i was sorry. even though she should say 'sorry you are not my priority.' but my apology made her happy. and that is the point. the point is to do all those things that would make her happy. and this is where we run into the problem of conflicting priorities.

i cannot acknowledge her existence, or her loss. its all very artificial for now

- doggie


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