The Incredible Mangoes

escapades of the queer birdie & doggie

7:16 AM

the great escape

Posted by spectrum |

2nd january 2009

first i just want to say that the drama between lesbians is dramatic BECAUSE we are hiding, or trying to prove ourselves, and fighting against the whole world.

okay. so i packed my shit and left my godamn snowed-in city, my depressingly empty room and house, got on a bus and went to another city. and i took my weed with me.
i crashed with people i had never met before, friends of friends.... and it was beautiful. they were queer, women of color, journalists, writers, activists and overall, gorgeous... gorgeous people. one woman in particular, who i met at a christmas party has sparked my interest quite a bit. i met her a few times after the party, during the week that i stayed in that city.

i also met someone (my asshole friends like to call my twin bec they think we look alike and that i am vain as fuck). who is straight but has a 'girl crush' on me. i think she is hot, and so based on my great time in this city, i am going to go back there this coming week.

i took another bus just before new years and landed in an even further city from mine, where i am currently chilling until sunday. here i am visiting this girl i know. yaar she has the deepest brown eyes ive ever known, after my first girlfriend (whos eyes im still crazy about, 8 years later). these eyes will make you want to drown in them and just forget everything else that matters. she has siren long black wavy hair, is hilarious and smart, cute and a little bit emo. in short, she is the girl of my dreams... but totally hung up on some asshole dude for years and cant get over it.
she is ultimate girl no.1, the one you would wait a really really long time for, think 600 times before hitting on, and then decide never to make a move because she is just that sacred.


so anyway we are coming up on week 3 of the escape. getting away has been amazing.

i am also over airport kiss rejector i think. no relapse please god. 
she is so right, i only love her because she rejects me. 

its hard to think clearly sometimes, until we do something drastic to break the monotonous cycles we are trapped in. 

happy new year to all my mangoes!!! cheers to less oppression, less lesbian drama, and finding the chill kinda love we all need.

- birdie


The Siren Queen said...

oh mann i should do something like this. i could be totally honest if no one knew who was writing. this is awesome. you write well.

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