The Incredible Mangoes

escapades of the queer birdie & doggie

5:16 AM

only this moment.

Posted by spectrum |

feb 9th '09

sometimes in the middle of feeling many different feelings, i see you. it makes everything insignificant. one year flashes in a moment, pausing on one particular time of one particular day, and then it continues. i don't know how much longer i'll hold on to bits and pieces of you. sometimes i search for them just so i can pretend that nothing has changed.

ps. i want to go to puerto rico

pss. be creative and give yourself a nickname. everyone wants to be anonymous. seems like the same person is having a conversation with themself

- doggie


Anonymous said...

doggie: my head is so far up my own ass sometimes i forget there are other people in the world as well. thus the conversations with the self.

also you should get high for 22.5 hours again. it probably beats being hung up over someone who cheated. cheating never just "happens." we've all been there, done that and know how it goes.

Ps - as per your request i shall now go by gaycaviar. i thought about mango no. 1 (pronounced number vun - inspired by dirty govinda's coolie no.1 and the like, but instead decided to revert back to the other end of the spectrum).


Anonymous said...

but why do you assume there was cheating involved?

Anonymous said...

thought you wrote it in one of your previous posts.


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