The Incredible Mangoes

escapades of the queer birdie & doggie

4:45 AM

i'm alive!!!

Posted by spectrum |

friday || december 25th, 2009.

have we realized that it's been more than a year? we started this on november 29th 2008. fuck!!!

i'm home. again. as usual. completely stunned by the level of superficiality surrounding me. this place doesn't change and that's a little bit strange. i would've at least expected issues to evolve, but they just don't. we're stuck on the same things that bothered us many years ago.

i would have really liked to be snowed in the house with birdie right now, pretending it's our cave, watching sunrise, being high, drinking the new favorite beer, 16oz budweisers, and adding members to the black label family under her table. no work, no extra people. the rumi and shams scene would be on.

- doggie

ps. those are not paintings.


Anonymous said...

as opposed to birdie and her endless glassy eyed followers, i fucking find you hilarious and real. please keep writing.
- real lahori dyke

Anonymous said...

i agree! birdie's vanity is the show. your thoughts are.
- real lahori femme

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