The Incredible Mangoes

escapades of the queer birdie & doggie

4:42 AM

she's outside

Posted by spectrum |

30th nov. '08

you know something is wrong with you when you have been sitting in your room for 7 and a half hours, with nothing to do, just because a girl happens to be outside.

she's not just any girl. yet she could be. but because of your obsessive nature you just have to blow everything out of proportion and think that she is watching you like a hawk.

so what do i do in such a situation? i hide.

pathetic. yeah, so i thought she was hot the first time i saw her but never bothered. a few weeks later, a strange strange thought occurred. i had a feeling that she was hitting on me. at first i thought i was under the influence of birdie (who believes that everybody is hitting on her), but soon i realized that it was true. and that's when i start freaking out.



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